Friday, February 27, 2009

Installation of High Tension cable

Currently the installation work of high tension (HT) cables is on going. After careful site inspection identifying existing utilities, the suitable route of HT cables has been identified.These HT cables with supply electrical power from nearby sub station to the new sub station for this new residential complex.

The HT cables will be buried under ground with specified minimum depth as per drawing detail provided by M&E consultant. However at certain areas where there are existing utilities underneath, the depth of HT cables have to be adjusted to site condition. It is quite shallow about 2 feet and thus corrugated pipes are provided to protect the cable. The same also is applied when the HT cable crossing road.

A drum of HT cables

Corrugated pipes are used to protect HT cables

warning covers will be placed right on top of HT cables before backfill for safety

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