Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Horizontal Drain

In order to further stabilise the slopes, other than typical berm drains, horizontal drains are installed at the slopes. The purpose is to discharge out ground water if any thus ensuring the stability of the slopes.

At this project, it is decided that the upper and lower sides of the slopes to be installed horizontal drains. As per construction drawing, the horizontal drains are installed at 12m depth and 6m interval. The holes of 100mm diameter are done by using rotary drilling with air compressed method. Then the 80mm diameter of PVC pipes wrapped with geotextile are slotted into the holes.

PVC pipes wrapped with geotextile

setting up of drilling machine

operator ready to use controller to operate the drilling machine

ready to drill. seen here is the driller bit with standard extension rod of 1.5m length.

drilling process to make a 100mm diameter hole

upon completion of the hole, then the PVC pipes wrapped with geotextile slotted into the hole

final push and adjustment of the pvc pipes into the hole

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cement Rendering At Floor

This is typical practice of making cement render. In this case is cement render at balcony.

First step, ensure right slight fall towards edge of balcony. This is important so that there is no water ponding at the balcony particularly during rain.

Second step, ensure drop (between residential floor and corridor floor) is constructed as per architect drawing. For this project, the specified drop is 100mm.

spot pegging marking drop 100mm between residential unit floor and corridor floor

Then the next work is doing spot peggings of mortar. The level of finished residential floor is used as reference level for drop. So these peggings will be used to make sure finished levels of cement render correct.

mortar spot peggings are prepared to provide correct levels during cement rendering

After that on the surface of the newly laid cement render with mixture of cement, sand & water, cement powders are placed on the surface before smoothen by trowelling. This is final surface of the cement render at the corridor.

cement rendering process with material made of mixture of cement, sand and water. cement water is poured first prior to placing mortar.

cement powders placed on freshly laid mortar and then smoothen by trowelling

finished corridor floor of cement render

Friday, February 27, 2009

Installation of High Tension cable

Currently the installation work of high tension (HT) cables is on going. After careful site inspection identifying existing utilities, the suitable route of HT cables has been identified.These HT cables with supply electrical power from nearby sub station to the new sub station for this new residential complex.

The HT cables will be buried under ground with specified minimum depth as per drawing detail provided by M&E consultant. However at certain areas where there are existing utilities underneath, the depth of HT cables have to be adjusted to site condition. It is quite shallow about 2 feet and thus corrugated pipes are provided to protect the cable. The same also is applied when the HT cable crossing road.

A drum of HT cables

Corrugated pipes are used to protect HT cables

warning covers will be placed right on top of HT cables before backfill for safety